5 Tips That Can Help You Achieve Better Grades In School Number 3 Would Definitely Amaze You
School Sucks You Know What Sucks More Not Being Prepared For An Exam!
Why does schooling have to
be so damn hard, who invented tests and examinations, I hope they are happy
wherever they are right now. Whoever thought it was such a genius idea to
create formalized education and school, in general, should be criminalized I hate
school, and exams suck.
Until I remember that my
favorite people in the world asides from my family, School brought them into my
life and education is the prescribed pathway to achieve my mechanical
engineering dream. So, at the end of the day, I must like school; however, I
detest the stress of studying in preparation for exams and tests. Studying can
be so challenging scrap that study is challenging (all facts), There are so
many formulas to remember, and so many difficult concepts to understand, you
don’t even know what topics the exams or tests would focus on. All these can
drive a student crazy
This was my situation until
my 3rd year in Uni when I discovered some hacks that totally
revolutionized my studying and retention scheme and made examination a time to
look forward to as it now became the time in school when I can flex my muscle
(Like Spiderman looking forward to the next local criminal to hit). Please
don’t get me wrong exams still suck but these life-changing tips made it suck
less for me
1. Use your favorite fragrance as a remembering tool- Spray some perfume on the pages of your book or your wrist while studying. As you study, keep the saint of the fragrance near your senses. On the day of your exam, spray the same perfume. Your brain would link the fragrance to the information you studied and help you clearly remember concepts and their explanations.
2. Interchange the lyrics of your favorite song with the information you are trying to master. Since that song already has permanent storage in your grey matter(a part of the brain that is largely responsible for memory recollection), the information would follow suit and become part and parcel of your thought process.
3. Explore your Love Emotion- This works for lovers. While you study, attach the emotions you feel for your loved one to the remembering of a formula or a difficult concept. Have a romantic interaction with your lover about these difficult concepts or topics in your head. This helps you internalize the information (the same way you don’t forget your lover’s favorite color and the memories you make together). On the day of the exam, trigger these same thoughts/emotions. It works like sorcery
4. Focus- There is no strategy better than Focus! Read each paragraph twice, close the book and then explain it to yourself. If you forget that paragraph on the exam day, you would not forget the explanation; if you remember the explanation, you would recall the paragraph.
Source for someone who is not in your
field to explain a topic or two from your course to. The essence is for
thorough questioning and by answering those questions to the person’s
understanding, you would be drilled into a deeper level of comprehension on
that subject, hence you would hardly forget. (Remember that if you can explain to a 5-year-old and they understand, it means you have a full grasp of
the concept you explained) This is the reason lecturers seem smart at every lecture.
Created by Sophia (PhD in View) and Solomon
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